
MVC Web Hosting (Model, view, controller)


MVC Hosting

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MVC Hosting

ASP.NET MVC (Model View Controller) Hosting enables developers to quickly deploy data rich applications. Infosaic Technologies specializes in supporting Windows Technologies, like the MVC Framework. Host your ASP.NET MVC on our Windows Servers today! Support for MVC is included with any hosting package.

MVC Hosting starts from $60 per year and can be hosted on ANY of our hosting plans.


MVC Versions Supported: MVC 5, MVC 4, MVC 3 and MVC 2.

MVC breaks down an application into 3 main components:

Models - The logic of the application exists in the model.

Views - This displays the logic which is provided through the model.

Controllers - The flow of the application. The controller passes information to the model.

For a complete explanation of the models, views, controllers relationship, visit:

Some clear benefits of using MVC:

Clean Separation provides developers with a good test environment.

Rich AJAX integration.

Easy to customize.
Learn More about ASP.NET MVC
Visit Tutorials on ASP.NET MVC
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